Dance Kraze
Dance Studio
At Dance Kraze, we strongly believe that dance and movement play a crucial role in children's education. Combined with traditional curriculum subjects such as languages, sciences, music, and sports, dance and movement add an extra dimension to kids' educational experience.
Renowned education advisor Sir. Ken Robinson, PhD once said, "The arts, including dance, are essential to intellectual development. The arts provide the most natural processes for exploring and giving form to personal feelings and emotions. The arts engage feelings directly!"
Our Mobile Dance Studio's mission is to introduce and promote dance and movement to a wide cross-section of kids and teens, enriching their lives through dance. We conduct classes in schools, camps, daycares, homes, and other venues, bringing the power and joy of dance to our students.
Our experienced instructors offer dance classes and workshops in a diverse range of styles, including hip hop, jazz, modern, and contemporary dance. Our focus is on promoting fun, fitness, creativity, and movement.
The Mobile Dance Studio was conceptualized by Katarina Rajkovic-Corbic, a dancer, choreographer, and instructor with over twenty years of experience in the field. Over the past decade, Katarina has brought the joy of dance to numerous schools, camps, and venues across the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, and beyond.

Dance Kraze Mobile Dance Programs
Summer camps, dance classes and workshops
Daycare dance classes and workshops
Customized Dance Programs
Dance Kraze Productions offers mobile dance classes in a vast range of fun and exciting styles such as Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary. As our name suggests, we provide "Mobile Dance Classes" that cater to your dancing needs and location. We'll travel to your venue and provide a customized dance program that is balanced, fun, energizing, and fulfilling for all participating students.
At Dance Kraze, we work with you to create the most effective and enjoyable dance program for your school, daycare, camp, or venue. Our experienced instructors will tailor the program to meet the specific needs and skill levels of your students, ensuring that they have a positive dance experience.